“It’s not about breaking down borders, it’s about pushing off of them.”

video shared from TED.com

This is an amazing video of  lady with heavy borders and obstacles in her path to success. She met those obstacles head on and overcame them to the fullest degree. There are two very important things to take away from this video. One is to realize there are a lot of people out there who go through a lot worse things than you do, and still make it to the places they want to go. It amazes me how often we complain or feel bad for ourselves when times get tough and we think we have it hard. And then we give up. We need to watch videos like this. The second thing to take away from this is that you shouldn’t have to go through what she went through to realize your potential in life! Bless her heart for doing all she has done, but people, learn from her leadership and realize we are all human. We can all do the things we desire. Don’t wait around for something to come up. Make your opportunities in life. Create your own luck. And most of all, notice the people around us that go through, and have gone through things we will never even taste in life. They are our true heroes. Don’t give up. “It’s not about breaking down borders, it’s about pushing off of them.”


Evening Thought

The quote I heard today, “never try to be better than someone else” was awesome, and hit me hard. A former UCLA basketball coach said it in a video i watched. The moment I heard it, I was a little “weirded” out by it, because my first reaction was that he was saying don’t compete. Which would be crap because competition drives success. But that was not what he was saying at all. He went on to talk about how you should never, ever focus on anything but yourself and how much effort you put in. All you can do in a game, or life for that matter, is to give it your and compete against your own best self. Everyone has different talents, different approaches and different ways to act on beliefs, so you should never be competing against someone else. Only focus on what you can do and do it the best of your ability.


Example? Let’s say that I was competing for a starting job on a baseball team, and my competitor had the edge on the defensive side. Hes was better. And if I focused on being better than him at defense, I would likely under perform and mess up. I would get out of my own mechanics and the things that got me to where I am, and be focussed on beating him. And if I ended up doing worse than him at defense, it would likely aggravate me and cause my mind to steer away from my overall focus and fail at other things. But if I had just competed against my own best self, and had done everything I know I can to the best of my ability…  The outcome would be much better because I wouldn’t be worried about anything else but my self. If you gave it your all in something, and knew that you did the very best in everything that was asked of you, that’s all anyone could ask of you. That’s all you can do.


So instead of competing against someone else’s best, compete against your best. Push yourself from within. Do not let outside forces cloud your mind! “Never try to be better than someone else,” only try to be better than your best. Stay within yourself. Compete. You are your best competition. Compete against your own best self.