Grasp Your Confidence

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.”  -Henry Ford


Think about the following questions. Why doesn’t everyone believe in themselves fully? Why is it so common for people to shy away from what they truly want and believe because they don’t have this magic sense of “confidence?” Well here is my answer. Read the quote above again…


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Taking what Henry Ford says, we can assume that the people who think they “can’t” (can’t is the worst word in the english language, by the way) do something, don’t necessarily have little confidence, but they lack in the courageous portion of life. Why aren’t they courageous? Who knows, being courageous is something less common than just having self-confidence. But, here’s the kicker, being courageous and having confidence go hand in hand. So… If the same person who thinks they can’t do something because they aren’t courageous enough, they can focus their energy into their confidence, and they will exceed their expectations on what they can do. Well what if they have no confidence? In my opinion there is no reason to have no self-confidence. Having confidence is this meaningless word that we use to separate people from one another. I say meaningless because everyone has the confidence inside them, all of the time. How? Because every single one of us (which is now 7,055,222,832 people) is different. And just because we are different, people lose their grasp on their personal confidence. Sadly this is because of our world and society, we all have this vision of some perfect dude/dudet and what he/she looks like. This is crap. We need to open up our minds to everyone in this world. We need to be thankful that everyone is different and at least just e okay with it. And for the people who have lost a strong hold on their confidence… Get back in there and get a grip. People will look up to you for being yourself, and being something that is incredible to them. Being someone else, or being forever shy is not the way to do this. Show your confidence, live with your confidence and BELIEVE in yourself. It’s not that people don’t have confidence, it’s just that they have lost their grasp on it. Example? Here you go… When we were all little toddlers and didn’t think before doing anything (sometimes this was cute, sometimes this was worth a timeout,)  we had all of the confidence in the world. Because we didn’t think about what others were thinking, we didn’t know any better! Society hadn’t brainwashed our narrow minds yet. Open up your mind, whether you’re confident or not, and see that we are all different. But be enthralled by the fact that we are all different. Everyone has confidence, but only some choose to keep their grasp on it through the process of growing up. Being confident can open up more roads than you can imagine. You will light up rooms when you walk in. The right people will pay attention to you. You will have more fun in everything. You will be more honest and upfront. But most of all, you will find that your cheeks will be very sore. Smiling will be something you’ll do everyday.


Be confident, be true to yourself, and let people see and experience who you are. Don’t be bothered by the people who think differently about you or try to bring you down. They just aren’t going to be on your path to success. Stay on your true path and never let go. I’ll leave you with a quote from a song to think about.


“Follow your heart to the water
Fill your pockets with stone
Throw your arms around me
Never let me go” – Parkway Drive


This quote is saying how you need to put your all, your life, your mind, your soul, into the things you love. And never let them go if they are your true passions. With pockets full of stone, you will sink in to the water of your passion and risk everything. Do it. Be confident. Achieve it all.




Steve Jobs – Inspirational Speech

(video shared from YouTube)


“If today were the last day of my life.”


This is a very powerful snippet of a speech given by a very powerful individual. My father used to tell me before every little league game, “play the game today like it’s you last, because you never know when that will come true.” I’ve tried to live by this everyday in baseball, and I think it’s important to remember for life in general. We aren’t guaranteed anything in life, not even the next five minutes. Do the things you want to do, tell people how you feel about them, don’t hide in the corner, and most of all, feed your passion. Be the person you want to be, life you days as if they are going to be your last.




Prioritize Your Life

Image shared from Google Images

In today’s world, we have an unlimited number of distractions in the palm of our hand every single day. There are pros and cons to having the ability to interact with anyone at the touch of your finger, but without having your priorities straight and in order there won’t be any pros to talk about.

For me personally, I make sure I always know what my priorities in life are every day, and make sure I stick to those whenever I’m faced with a decision. Let’s say one of my main priorities is to wake up every morning and be able to give 100% effort into my workouts, so I can unlock power and quickness in my talents. If I stay up late with friends every night, or eat bad foods throughout the day, I won’t be able to give 100% of my effort at the next workout. This doesn’t mean I’m just going to hide in a corner and never hang out with anybody, this just means that I know my priorities and won’t always go out the night before an important workout. Lets say one of your main priorities is to have dinner on the table every night for your family… Whether you’re cooking it, buying take out or eating left-overs, it’s important to separate your priorities from the less important things in your life. Maybe you forgot to clean out your car one day, but your still haven’t made dinner… Make dinner first and then worry about the car last.

It’s important to remember that when you put things off more and more (cleaning out your car,) that you make it a higher priority down the line. If you always put it off and never have time to do it, you’ll never get it done. You need to be aware of your priorities and know which ones will help you get to where you want to be at the moment, and which ones can wait. But these things don’t just come out of thin air. Sit down and think about where you want to go and figure out your priorities. When something new comes up, you can compare it to your current priorities and easily figure out which one is more beneficial to your personal growth.

Don’t be afraid to order that salad when you’re out with your friends.

Hug your friends longer instead of picking up that call.

Study a week before that big test instead of going out and partying.

Do something that will make someone smile instead of arguing.

Remember though, with all of this, don’t make it a religion. Life is about experiencing certain things and making mistakes. You need to make those mistakes to grow. But you are the ship captain of your life, and you can at least put your self on the right stretch of water so when you make those mistakes, you’re already on the right path. Go have fun, live life, and know what you want. Prioritize your life, and make the necessary changes to better yourself.


“…It’s about not letting anything hold you back”

Video shared from YouTube.

Awesome video! Trust yourself. Trust your power. Believe in yourself. Never ever, give up. Always have a hunger to push forward!